
Love is a connection!

Existem certas passagens em livros, musicas, filmes que por muito intensas que sejam por vezes passam despercebidas, pois são igualmente intensas em subtileza.

Uma delas faz com que a recorde de tempos a tempos, talvez na tentativa de perceber a subtileza da sua força.

A cena passa-se no filme: The Matrix Revolutions, e vou citar o que alguém já escreveu sobre esse assunto:

Neo e Trinity são humanos, Sati (a filha), Ramakandra (o pai) são “programas de computador”!

Scene Setup:
Neo finds himself on a concrete floor. As he awakens, he is looking up at the face of a little girl, Sati, who explains to Neo that he is in The Train Station, a place between his world and the Matrix.

Sati asks Neo if he is from the Matrix. Neo says that he used to be. Sati says that she had to leave home also. Her father, Ramakandra, calls her over, explaining to Neo that his daughter is just curious.

Neo recognizes the man and says: - You're programs.

Ramakandra responds: - Oh yes. I am the Powerplant Systems Manager for Recycling Operations.

(He explains that the train station is a place to take things from one world to another. When Neo asks if that is what he is doing here, Ramakandra responds: - The answer is simple. I love my daughter very much. I find her to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But where we are from that is not enough. Every program that is created must have a purpose. If it does not, it is deleted. I went to the Frenchman (quem controla o comboio) to save my daughter.

Neo is stunned: - I've just never heard of…

Ramakandra recognizes Neo's problem: - You've never heard a program speak of love.

Neo explains: - It's a human emotion.

But Ramakandra corrects him: - No, it is a word. What matters is the connection the word implies. I see that you are in love. Can you tell me what you would give to hold on to that connection?

Neo, thinking of Trinity, says: - Anything.

With understanding in his eyes, Ramakandra says: - Then perhaps the reason you are here is not so different from the reason I am here.

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